May the fourth be with you

Hello lovelies!!

20140506-094601.jpgI had two days off from H&M so had the chance to work with Blushbooth this May bank holiday weekend. I was an events assistant for a 21st in Glasgow then the following day a wedding ceremony in Edinburgh 🙂

On Friday the 2nd I was working on a two hour booth hire at The Berkeley Suite, Glasgow for Beth’s 21st. This venue space was a bar then turned into a club more later in the evening.20140506-094551.jpg
The staff were extremely friendly with me. The charming Irish manager even helped me bring through the equipment. James Anderson had mentioned he has been in Scotland for 15 years now and got a qualification in photography. James does the official photography for the website.

20140506-094607.jpgThe birthday girls’ family brought in extra props with them, which clients had more to work with.


Happy birthday Beth! Hope you had an amazing birthday!!!20140506-094330.jpg20140506-094241.jpg

On Saturday the 3rd I was working at the amazing venue of Dynamic Earth! This venue has to be one of my favourite locations in Edinburgh! (Previously blog  A New Begging).

The wedding celebration was set up on 20140506-094620.jpgOzone level 3,  Blushbooth had its own private room. I loved this idea! The room was set up with ‘The classy and fabulous backdrop‘, vintage prop table and guest book for guests to stick one of the two photos and write a message for the Newly weds.

Congratulations Alison and James! I hope you guys have a beautiful future together!



Dream to Inspire<3 ❤

Sultana ❤